This morning I was reminded of the little things. For example, the linen cloth that is used on the altar during mass at Ordinary Time. It is a white cloth with green trim. It's a simple cloth that maybe no one else really recognizes but me. It looks like something that would be in a quaint small Irish chapel somewhere. I find myself wishing the floors were made of stone. I arrived early by mistake and I was in time to pray the rosary in the small group that prays right before morning mass each day. We numbered 6 in the group, and a few more trickled in as we went. The Cuban grandma in the front, the Creole grandpa in the back who still says the parts of the mass in Latin, the few of us in between. I was filled with the Holy Spirit as we said the prayers of the mass. I missed that simple draw of the Holy Spirit in the quiet of the morning. I realized that my life had become too busy again, and I didn't like it.
Then someone comes out with a movie that brings it all back to the center. FATIMA. I am so glad that this movie was finally released. It was scheduled to come out in April, directly in line withEaster. The timing couldn't have seemed more perfect. It never made it to the theater, but in August, it was finally released for streaming on multiple networks. Amazon picked it up as a PRIME option, and asked $20.00 for the rental. Considering the cost of movies and popcorn for four, it was a great deal, although I am thinking the movie chairs were more comfortable than what we had here. I am so glad that more people are putting information out there that is Catholic and Christian. We NEED it right now especially!!! I am finding more time in my day to read and watch more videos. I was hoping that Fatima would speak to my children and bring them closer to the faith, but so far nothing has touched them at their core, YET.
In the days of Coronavirus so many people have died. Some have died because of cancer also. Some have been killed in senseless car wrecks. The riots and looting from terrorists organizations over young men being killed by police officers -- justified or not -- have plagued the news. Everywhere you turn there is so much hate. America is not American anymore, well, a lot of people aren't. But then there are those who are just trying to keep the dream alive. There are those who wear masks because they don't want to cause waves, but hate it the whole time. There are those who fly Trump Flags and American Flags on their trucks and boats because they still love their country and they love their president.There are those, like me, who grow tired and weary of it all and just want to go back to America The Beautiful Again.My Aunt Trudy told me today the little things mean so much to Pawpaw. He loves it that she goes in late some days and cooks him breakfast. I try so hard not to take germs to him, but I really want to see him. I do love him. He seems to get younger every day!! He is not letting 98 stop him from anything.
While some view it as a chore to have to get up and cut grass, I am thankful to have some. I am thankful that I have been able to purchase a riding lawnmower. I hope I don't have to buy a newer one any time soon! The yard is almost beautiful. There are just a few remnants of the illegal that was once here, and the cats refuse to leave the screens intact, and the dogs get Alabama red clay on everything, but it is taking shape nicely. I have high hopes for the future here at Wood Haven.
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